April Newsletter: Dragon 2.0, Big seedbox server software update
Pulsed Media April Newsletter Here at Pulsed Media we work constantly to make better services for You! A good seedbox is not enough, we want to...
Slow roll out of updates
For quality control we do a slow rollout of all major server updates, the under laying codebase which controls and manages everything that goes into...
Massive update: per user Lighttpd + nginx
Massive software update! We did quite a massive software update for the end of March. This was an extremely rapid development cycle, from initial proof...
Why buy seedbox? A few scenarios
Why to buy seedbox? There are as many reasons as there is people using seedboxes. Here is just a few of many possible scenarios where...
Seedbox affiliate program: Earn recurring revenue
You could earn significant revenue each month with the seedbox affiliate program! Many already do with their sites, and this program is available for everyone....
Mini-ITX server hardware platform re-engineering
We’ve been re-engineering the Mini-ITX server platform for quite some time now. Some of you may remember the twitter pic of the old times: All...